Thursday, March 17, 2011

Free Energy Solar Panel

Hello.  My name is Dan Harrigan.  I’m happy that you’re visiting my blog.  When we all compile the most important things in our lives, invariably they revolve around purpose and meaning.  It’s exciting to imagine a CLEAN ENERGY source that could solve the world’s pollution and depletion problems.  Outside of a few apathethic or greedy individuals, most of us want to conserve our natural resources and make the planet a better place.

In my long-time search for the best RENEWABLE ENERGY and beneficial products for the environment, I found something even better—FREE ENERGY.  It is thoroughly explained in an e-book about perpetual movement by magnets.  Science harbors an explanation of things like polarity which is invisible and hard to understand, but it exists.  In fact it governs the ebb and flow of the tides, etc..  A SOLAR PANEL is expensive by comparison, and WIND POWER requires large turbine structures, although I appreciate the concept of saving the earth.  To get started requires very little cost, and then it continues working without maintenance.  Electricity is generated by motion.

This is a great way to GO GREEN.  The instruction and application are simple.  I feel great about sharing my discovery with you.  It opened my eyes to several new possibilities.  Good people like us can improve the way things are done.  Enjoy.

All the best.

Dan Harrigan